Brau Union Österreich -
Our Austrian
beer culture
For thousands of years, beer has been more than just a beverage. It is cultural heritage that never lost its place in society over the course of history. A natural product of a worth, that has been recognised from early days on. We as Brau Union Österreich commit ourselves to this deeply rooted beer culture in our country.
„Beer truly is a godly medicine“
Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus
Bombast von Hohenheim (ca. 1493 – 1541)
Brew a better world –
Our sustainability strategy
From nature, for the people. For us at Brau Union Österreich, it is a corner stone of our work to create a high quality product using resources in the most sustainable way possible. Meeting modern demands and preserving the world for coming generations is at no point a contradiction to us. This is why we’ve committed ourselves to sustainable development.
Your career at
Brau Union Österreich
Brau Union Österreichs stands in for strong values. When it comes to our staff, our basic principle is “human being first”. We’re driving further away from the classic employee model, in towards a business partner who chases the same goals as we do, and also shows passion for their trade. If you are looking for a job with best perspectives and employee orientation, you can learn more here!